Law Reviews Online

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | JK | L | M | NO | P | QR | S | T | U | V | W | XYZ | Other
- Akron Law Review (external link) (University of Akron Law School)
- Akron Tax Journal (external link) (University of Akron Law School)
- Alabama Law Review (external link) (University of Alabama School of Law)
- Alaska Law Review (external link) (Duke University School of Law / Alaska Bar Association)
- American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy, & the Law (external link) (American University Washington College of Law)
- American University Law Review (external link) (American University Washington College of Law)
- Asian-Pacific Law & Policy Journal (external link) (University of Hawaii William S. Richardson School of Law)
- ASIL Insights (external link) (American Society of International Law)
- Berkeley Journal of Criminal Law (University of California, Berkeley. School of Law) Vol. 11 (2006-)
- Berkeley Technology Law Journal (University of California, Berkeley. School of Law) Vol. 1 (1986-)
- Boston College International and Comparative Law Review (external link) (Boston College Law School)
- Boston College Law Review (external link) (Boston College Law School)
- Cardozo Electronic Law Bulletin (external link) (Cardozo Institute of Comparative Law, University of Trento, Italy)
- Cardozo Law Review (external link) (Yeshiva University Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law)
- Cork Online Law Review (external link) (University College Cork)
- Duke Environmental Law and Policy Forum (external link) (Duke University School of Law)
- Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law (external link) (Duke University School of Law)
- Duke Journal of Gender Law and Policy (external link) (Duke University School of Law)
- Duke Law and Technology Review (external link) (Duke University School of Law)
- Duke Law Journal (external link) (Duke University School of Law)
- East European Constitutional Review (external link) (New York University University Law School and Central European University)
- European Journal of Law and Technology (external link)
- Emory International Law Review (external link) (Emory University School of Law)
- Emory Law Journal (external link) (Emory University School of Law)
- Federal Communications Law Journal (external link) (Indiana University School of Law and Federal Communications Bar Association)
- Florida State University Law Review (external link) (Florida State University College of Law)
- Georgia Law Review (external link) (University of Georgia School of Law)
- Gonzaga Journal of International Law (external link) (Gonzaga University School of Law)
- Hofstra Law Review (external link) (Hofstra University School of Law)
- Human Rights Brief (external link) (American University Washington College of Law, Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law)
- Humboldt Forum Recht (external link) (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
- IDEA: The Journal of Law and Technology (external link) (University of New Hampshire School of Law)
- Indiana Law Journal (external link) (Indiana University School of Law)
- Intellectual Property and Technology Forum (external link) (Boston College Law School)
- Jersey and Guernsey Law Review (external link) (Jersey Legal Information Board)
- Journal of Intellectual Property Law (external link) (University of Georgia School of Law)
- Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law (external link) (Florida State University College of Law)
- Journal of Online Law (external link) (William and Mary School of Law via Internet Archive)
- Journal of Science and Technology Law (external link) (Boston University School of Law)
- Journal of South Pacific Law (external link) (University of South Pacific School of Law)
- Journal of Technology and the Law (external link) (University of Florida College of Law)
- Journal of Transnational Law and Policy (external link) (Florida State University College of Law)
- Law and Contemporary Problems (external link) (Duke University School of Law)
- Maori Law Review (external link)
- Mercer Law Review (external link) (Mercer University Walter F. George School of Law)
- Michigan State Law Review (external link) (Michigan State University College of Law)
- Michigan Telecommunications and Technology Law Review (external link) (University of Michigan School of Law)
- Murdoch University Law Review (external link) (New York University University Law School and Central European University)
- National Journal of Sexual Orientation and the Law (external link) (University of North Carolina School of Law)
- New England Journal on Criminal and Civil Confinement (external link) (New England School of Law)
- New England Law Review (external link) (New England School of Law)
- New York University Journal of International Law and Politics (external link) (New York University School of Law)
- New York University Law Review (external link) (New York University School of Law)
- Pace Environmental Law Review (external link) (Pace University School of Law)
- Perspectives on Law and the Public Interest (external link) (University of Richmond T.C. Williams School of Law)
- Public Law Research Institute Reports (external link) (University of California, Hastings College of Law)
- La Revue Juridique Themis / Themis Review of Law (external link) (University of Montreal Faculty of Law)
- Review of Intellectual Property Law (external link) (John Marshall Law School)
- Richmond Journal of Law and Technology (external link) (University of Richmond T.C. Williams School of Law)
- Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion (external link) (Rutgers School of Law, Camden)
- Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal (external link) (Santa Clara University School of Law)
- Scientific Testimony: An Online Journa (external link) (University of California Irvine Department of Criminology, Law & Society)
- Stanford Journal of Law, Business & Finance (external link) (Stanford University Law School)
- Stanford Technology Law Review (external link) (Stanford University Law School)
- Syracuse Science and Technology Law Reporter (external link) (Syracuse University College of Law)
- Thomas M. Cooley Law Review (external link) (Thomas M. Cooley Law School)
- UCLA Bulletin of Law and Technology (external link) (University of California, Los Angeles School of Law)
- University of New Hampshire Law Review (external link)t (Franklin Pierce Law Center)
- University of Ottawa Law And Technology Journal / Revue de droit & technologie (external link) (University of Ottawa Faculty of Law)
- University of Pennsylvania Journal of Constitutional Law (external link) (University of Pennsylvania Law School)
- University of Pittsburgh Law Review (external link) (University of Pittsburgh School of Law)
- Virginia Journal of Law and Technology (external link) (University of Virginia School of Law)
- Wake Forest Law Review (external link) (Wake Forest University School of Law)
- Washburn Law Journal (external link) (Washburn University School of Law)
- Washington and Lee Law Review (external link) (Washington and Lee University School of Law)
- Washington Journal of Law, Technology & Arts (external link) (University of Washington School of Law)
- Washington University Law Review (external link) (Washington University in St. Louis School of Law)
- Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (external link) (University of Newcastle upon Tyne)
- Western Criminology Review (external link) (Western Society of Criminology)
- Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal (Yale Law School)
- Yale Law and Policy Review (Yale Law School)
- Yale Law Journal (Yale Law School)
Other Sites
- CataLaw: Legal Perioidicals (external link) (CataLaw)
- E-Journals (external link) (New England School of Law)
- Electronic Journals by Category (external link) - Law (external link) (University of Saskatchewan Libraries)
- FindLaw: Academic Law Reviews and Journals (external link)
- ILRG's Law Journals and Publications (external link) (Internet Legal Resource Guide)
- LawSource: Law Reviews and Periodicals on the Internet (external link) (American Law Sources Online)
- International Law Journals (external link) (University of Chicago D'Angelo Law Library)
- University Law Review Project (external link) (Coalition of Online Law Journals)
- WashLaw Web: Law Journals (external link) (Washburn University School of Law Library)
Last Updated: 02/18/2021